Lillian Karabaic
Lillian Karabaic

Lillian Karabaic


Lillian Karabaic is the host of OPB's "Weekend Edition" and a financial reporter. From 2016 to 2023, she hosted the financial radio show and podcast "Oh My Dollar!" She was previous co-host of the podcast from 2011 - 2016, morning radio host at KRRC and KXRY (XRAY.FM), and financial advice columnist at She helped co-found StreamPDX, a podcasting studio in a 1960s airstream.

Along the way, she’s worked as a vegetarian cook at a commune in rural Oregon, a bicycle instructor, a live-in social worker with young mothers leaving incarceration, a transit map maker, and a financial advisor. She’s lived in Karnataka, India, and Berlin, Germany. Her book, "A Cat’s Guide to Money," is an illustrated guide to personal finance. She is currently writing a non-fiction graphic novel about the American health care system.

Lillian graduated from Reed College with a degree in economics. She has traveled to 48 countries by train and is always planning another trip to get more vegan donuts.

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