Senate President Peter Courtney addresses the house floor prior to Kate Brown being sworn in as the new governor of Oregon.
Alan Sylvestre / OPB
- A bill currently being considered in the Oregon legislature would push the creation of an "action plan" to finish the Oregon Coast Trail — long stretches of which still require walking along HWY 101. Advocates of the bill, like Connie Soper, say the completed trail could boost the coastal economy, but Chris Havel from the Parks Department says realizing this vision could be tricky.
- Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem) was first elected to the legislature in 1980. This is his eighth term as Senate president and he shows no signs of slowing down. We sat down for an extended interview with Courtney about what brought him to Oregon, why he stayed, and why he decided to go into politics instead of becoming a priest.
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